Class NFTInfo
NFT Info for displaying NFT on the UI
public record NFTInfo : IEquatable<NFTInfo>
- Inheritance
- Implements
- Inherited Members
- Extension Methods
Information saved on the chain in hex
public string ChainInfo { get; init; }
Property Value
- string
- NFT Info for displaying NFT on the UI
Hash of the content
public string DataHash { get; init; }
Property Value
- string
- NFT Info for displaying NFT on the UI
A list of content URIs
public IEnumerable<string> DataUris { get; init; }
Property Value
- IEnumerable<string>
- NFT Info for displaying NFT on the UI
Number of the current NFT in the edition
public ulong EditionNumber { get; init; }
Property Value
- ulong
- NFT Info for displaying NFT on the UI
How many NFTs in the current edition
public ulong EditionTotal { get; init; }
Property Value
- ulong
- NFT Info for displaying NFT on the UI
Launcher coin ID
public string LauncherId { get; init; }
Property Value
- string
- NFT Info for displaying NFT on the UI
Puzzle hash of the singleton launcher in hex
public string LauncherPuzhash { get; init; }
Property Value
- string
- NFT Info for displaying NFT on the UI
Hash of the license
public string LicenseHash { get; init; }
Property Value
- string
- NFT Info for displaying NFT on the UI
A list of license URIs
public IEnumerable<string> LicenseUris { get; init; }
Property Value
- IEnumerable<string>
- NFT Info for displaying NFT on the UI
Hash of the metadata
public string MetadataHash { get; init; }
Property Value
- string
- NFT Info for displaying NFT on the UI
A list of metadata URIs
public IEnumerable<string> MetadataUris { get; init; }
Property Value
- IEnumerable<string>
- NFT Info for displaying NFT on the UI
Block height of the NFT minting
public uint MintHeight { get; init; }
Property Value
- uint
- NFT Info for displaying NFT on the UI
DID of the NFT minter
public string? MinterDID { get; init; }
Property Value
- string
- NFT Info for displaying NFT on the UI
Current NFT coin ID
public string NFTCoinID { get; init; }
Property Value
- string
- NFT Info for displaying NFT on the UI
Serialized off-chain metadata
public string? OffChainMetadata { get; init; }
Property Value
- string
- NFT Info for displaying NFT on the UI
Owner DID
public string? OwnerDID { get; init; }
Property Value
- string
- NFT Info for displaying NFT on the UI
The innermost puzzle hash of the NFT
public string P2Address { get; init; }
Property Value
- string
- NFT Info for displaying NFT on the UI
Indicate if the NFT is pending for a transaction
public bool PendingTransaction { get; init; }
Property Value
- bool
- NFT Info for displaying NFT on the UI
Percentage of the transaction fee paid to the author, e.g. 1000 = 1%
public ushort? RoyaltyPercentage { get; init; }
Property Value
- ushort?
- NFT Info for displaying NFT on the UI
uzzle hash where royalty will be sent to
public string? RoyaltyPuzzleHash { get; init; }
Property Value
- string
- NFT Info for displaying NFT on the UI
If the inner puzzle supports DID
public bool SupportsDID { get; init; }
Property Value
- bool
- NFT Info for displaying NFT on the UI
Puzzle hash of the metadata updater in hex
public string UpdaterPuzhash { get; init; }
Property Value
- string
- NFT Info for displaying NFT on the UI